Videos, Tutorials, and Instructions
The Videos, Tutorials, and Instructions provides one-stop shopping for all of DCS's help resources. Click on any of the sections below to browse through our library, which includes instructions on using classroom systems, various additional technology, and informational videos. If you would like to learn what technology is in your room, visit the Find a Classroom page. For more information about DCS classroom systems, visit the In-Class Technology page, which will direct you to full pages devoted to all information pertaining to each system. For hands-on-training, consider requesting a consultation session.
DCS Classroom Systems
Collaborative Instructor Hub
Getting Started
Using the Hub Computer
Using the Blu-ray Player
Using the Document Camera
Using a Laptop, Phone, or Tablet
Using Solstice Wireless Display Sharing
Using Student Connections
- Using the Collaborative Instructor Hub - Printable Instructions
- Projecting from a Laptop
- Projecting from a Phone or Tablet
- Solstice wireless display sharing
- Using the Active Learning Student Monitors
Other Useful Info
- Images of Rutgers Room Control:
Visit the Collaborative Instructor Hub page for more info.
Digital Classroom Flip-Top
Getting Started
- Using the Digital Classroom Flip-Top - Printable Instructions
- Projecting from a Laptop
- Projecting from a Phone or Tablet
- Solstice wireless display sharing
Other Useful Info
- Images of the DCF interface:
Visit the Digital Classroom Flip-Top page for even more info about DCFs.
Digital Classroom Lectern
Getting Started
Using the Podium Computer
Playing a Blu-ray or DVD
- Using the Digital Classroom Lectern - Printable Instructions
- Projecting from a Laptop
- Projecting from a Phone or Tablet
Other Useful Info
- Images of Rutgers Room Control:
Visit the Digital Classroom Lectern page for even more info about DCPs.
Digital Classroom Podium
Getting Started
Using the Podium Computer
Playing a Blu-ray or DVD
Using the Document Camera
Using a Laptop, Phone, or Tablet
Using a Microphone
Using Advanced Features
Building the Digital Classroom Podium
- Using the Digital Classroom Podium - Printable Instructions
- Projecting from a Laptop
- Projecting from a Phone or Tablet
- Solstice wireless display sharing
Other Useful Info
- Images of Rutgers Room Control:
Visit the Digital Classroom Podium page for even more info about DCPs.
Immersion Lectern
Introduction to the Immersive Synchronous Lecture Halls (full version)
Introduction to the Immersive Synchronous Lecture Halls (short version)
- Synchronous Lecture Hall Instructor Guide
- Projecting from a Laptop
- Projecting from a Phone or Tablet
- Solstice wireless display sharing
Visit the Immersion Lectern page for more info.
Laptops, Phones, and Tablets
How Do I Download a YouTube Video
Phones and Tablets
Active Learning
Active Learning in Calculus II
Building the Tillett 204 Active Learning Classroom
Dr. Francis Barchi's Global Health Perspectives Class
Dr. Richard Serrano's Class Uses Solstice Wireless Display Sharing
If you are interested in conferencing in a specific DCS classroom, please visit the Getting Started with Conferencing page, which can guide you through using the various options avaibale in your space.
Converged Learning
Introduction to the Immersive Synchronous Lecture Halls (full version)
Introduction to the Immersive Synchronous Lecture Halls (short version)
Videoconference and Lecture Capture in the Classroom
To determine which instructions to use, you can identify a conference-capable room on the Conference & Lecture Capture chart or look up your classroom on the Find a Classroom Page to determine its capability.
Immersive Synchronous Learning Halls
Videoconference & Lecture Capture Space
- Using Zoom in a Videoconference & Lecture Capture Space
- Using Webex in a Videoconference & Lecture Capture Space
- Using BigBlueButton in a Videoconference & Lecture Capture Space
Audioconference & Lecture Capture Rooms
Engaging Students with Social Media
Rutgers Today Video
There are various methods of recording available to faculty using DCS classrooms.
Kaltura is video management and recording software that is available on DCS systems and free to download by anyone with a Rutgers Net ID. Among many other purposes, Kaltura can be used to record in class presentations for future use or used to pre-record lectures to free up class time for other activities. If you have familiarity videoconferencing with Zoom, Webex, or BigBlueButton - you may prefer to use these to make a class recording.
If you are interested in recording in a specific DCS classroom, please visit the Getting Started with Capture page to learn about the various options available in your space.
Kaltura in the Classroom
Videoconference and Lecture Capture in the Classroom
- Using Kaltura to Record in the Classroom
- Kaltura - Media Space Overview from Teaching and Learning with Technology
Videoconference & Lecture Capture Spaces
- Using Zoom in a Videoconference & Lecture Capture Space
- Using Webex in a Videoconference & Lecture Capture Space
- Using BigBlueButton in a Videoconference & Lecture Capture Space
- Using Kaltura to Record in a Videoconference & Lecture Capture Space
Audioconference & Lecture Capture Rooms
- Using Zoom in an Audioconference & Lecture Capture Room
- Using Webex in an Audioconference & Lecture Capture Room
- Using BigBlueButton in an Audioconference & Lecture Capture Room
- Using Kaltura to Record in an Audioconference & Lecture Capture Room
Additional Resources
- The Office of Information Technology provides technical support for Canvas and its built-in tools, including Kaltura.
- Teaching and Learning with Technology provides pedagogic support for faculty who wish to design courses and customize tools - including Kaltura - for courses.
Solstice Wireless Display Sharing
Dr. Richard Serrano's Class Uses Solstice Wireless Display Sharing