Building Identification Codes

CAC: College Avenue  •  BUS: Busch  •  LIV: Livingston  •  C/D: Cook/Douglass
DNB: Downtown New Brunswick

Abbr.Building NameCampusNumber
ABRutgers Academic BuildingCAC3198
ABERutgers Academic Building - East WingCAC3198
ABWRutgers Academic Building - West WingCAC3198
ARCAllison Road ClassroomBUS3878
ARHArt History HallC/D8428
BEBeck HallLIV4145
BHBishop HouseCAC3049
BIOBiological SciencesC/D8304
BMEBiomedical Engineering BuildingBUS3893
BLBlake HallC/D6005
BTBartlett HallC/D6024
BSTBEST West Residence HallBUS3905
CACampbell HallCAC3121
CCBChemistry & Chemical BiologyBUS3594
CDLCook Douglass Lecture HallC/D8840
CISchool of Communication and InformationCAC3134
CORComputing Research & Education Building (CoRE)BUS3883
DAVDavison HallC/D8322
EDGraduate School of EducationCAC3037
ENEngineering BuildingBUS3558
FBOFiber Optic Materials Research BuildingFBO3869
FHFrelinghuysen HallCAC3117
FNHInstitute for Food Nutrition & HealthC/D6432
FORForan HallC/D6347
FSFood Science BuildingC/D6246
HCHonors CollegeCAC3197
HCKHickman HallC/D8311
HHHardenbergh HallCAC3119
HLLHill CenterBUS3752
HSBHeldrich Science BuildingC/D8302
LORLoree Classroom BuildingC/D8432
LSHLucy Stone HallLIV4153
KLGKathleen W Ludwig Global Village Learning CenterC/D8444
MIMilledoler HallCAC3010
MUMurray HallCAC3011
PHPharmacy Building (William Levin Hall)BUS3863
RABRuth Adams BuildingC/D8303
RCRutgers CinemaLIV4178
RWHRichard Weeks Hall of EngineeringBUS3913
SCScott HallCAC3038
SECScience & Engineering Resource Center (T. Alexander Pond)BUS3854
THThompson HallC/D6004
TILTillett HallLIV4146
VDVan Dyck HallCAC3016
VHVoorhees HallCAC3013
WALWaller HallC/D6000
WLWright Rieman LaboratoriesBUS3556
ZAMZimmerli Art MuseumCAC3013

The above buildings contain classrooms supported by DCS. Please consult the complete Rutgers list for all buildings.