Support Specialists

Supporting over 300 spaces across four campuses from morning to night takes a lot of help. To help keep classes running smoothly, DCS employs more than forty student workers as Support Specialists. Our student staff fill a variety of responsibilities that are central to our operation. Students work closely with our Instructional Technology Supervisors to provide in-class support for classes throughout the day, help instructors use classroom technology, and deliver portable equipment. Support Specialists are also at the center of our quality control, performing regular tests of in-class equipment, while also ensuring equipment is unlocked, prepped, and ready for use during the day. While being DCS's eyes and ears on each of the four New Brunswick campuses, Support Specialists also fill critical roles in our central hub, the DCS Help Desk. These Support Specialists field calls from instructors who need assistance and help dispatch staff across each campus.

Support SpecialistIn addition to helping Rutgers faculty use classroom technology, students are also busy behind the scenes working closely with our Technical Services & Operations staff to build and repair classroom systems. Small crews of Support Specialists pitch in at our build rooms. These students are engaged every step of the way, unloading empty podiums as they arrive from the warehouse, creating wiring, populating them with equipment in our DCS Lab, testing equipment before they leave the build room, and assisting with their installation in classrooms. Because Digital Classroom Systems are designed and built in-house, much of our classroom technology passes through the hands of our student workers on the way to teaching spaces.

Support Specialists gain experience in a variety of emerging fields; including computing, presentation technology, and online education. Work with DCS helps develop crucial skills relating to customer service, user support, and working in a professional office setting. If you are a student interested in being a Support Specialist, visit the Join Our Team page.