By The Numbers

Digital Classroom Services designs, maintains, and supports technology in 305 learning spaces spread across the Rutgers-New Brunswick campuses. As instructors increasingly look to technology to enhance their classes, DCS has upgraded Rutgers classrooms to meet these needs. Since 2000, DCS has more than tripled the number of classrooms with data projector capability, enabling faculty to project computer based presentations. We continue to upgrade Rutgers classrooms with the twin goals of designing systems that incorporate the latest teaching technologies and implementing these systems across all DCS rooms. To achieve these goals, DCS regularly tracks trends in faculty equipment use to determine what technology best serves classroom needs. Click on the charts below to find more detailed information about both DCS technology and teaching trends at Rutgers. For a more detailed look at Digital Classroom Services, read our 2022-23 Annual Report.

digital classroom system chart system breakdownConference and lecture capture capablity chartDigital Classroom System chart