Getting Started with Conferencing

ufm-content.jpgConferencing - also referred to as videoconferencing or Zooming - allows students and instructors to to conduct class meeting without needing to be in the same physical space. Certain classes are designated and scheduled as converged, meaning that some students will attend in-person at the same time that other students attend online. However, instructors of fully in-person classes might elect to use conferencing to enable remote students or guest presenters to join. Many DCS classrooms are equipped with technology that can help you conference (enabling two-way communication) or stream (enabling a one-way broadcast of the classroom).

The following scenarios outline your options based on who is unable to attend and what classroom you are using. Select a scenario from the list below for more information. Regardless of the scenario that applies to your class, you may also wish to peruse our Converged Learning page, for an overview of technology, teaching practices, and support relating to converged courses. Once you have established a technology plan for your class, consider our tips for teaching in a videoconference space

If you have any questions, fill out a Videoconference, Recording, & Streaming Support form and we can help you explore your options, develop a plan, and conduct virtual class meetings.

Scenario 1: Class is meeting in a DCS classroom and some students will not attend in person.

Look up your classroom on the Conference & Capture Chart and click on your room's "Capability" type below. Note that if your room does not have the capability you need, you may fill out a Videoconference, Recording, & Streaming Support form.

Videoconference & Lecture Capture Space: Presenter & Audience

This room allows students to watch a video feed of the instructor or students, view class content (e.g. PowerPoint), and hear both the instructor and in-room students. If you wish, remote students can also participate in class discussions; their voices will be audible in the room as their faces show on the rear display and one of two displays at the front of the classroom. To videoconference (two-way communication) or stream (one-way broadcast), select instructions from the list below, based on what you would like to do and which conferencing tool you would like to use. You may request to have someone from DCS assist you in preparing for class and to help you connect during class time by filling out a Videoconference & Streaming Request Form.

Videoconference & Lecture Capture Space: Presenter Only 

These rooms are equipped to enable students to stream class so they can watch a video feed of the instructor, see content (e.g. PowerPoint), and listen to audio. Camera-equipped spaces are not tailored for allowing remote students to participate via a video connection. Select instructions from the list below, based on which streaming tool you prefer to use. You may request to have someone from DCS assist you in preparing for class and to help you connect during class time by filling out a Videoconference & Streaming Request Form.

Audioconference and Lecture Capture Rooms

These rooms are equipped to allow students to listen to the instructor's voice and view content (e.g. PowerPoint) over the web. Select instructions from the list below, based on which streaming tool you prefer to use. You can request a portable camera that can be used to stream video of you or may request to have someone from DCS assist you in preparing for class and to help you connect during class time by filling out a Videoconference & Streaming Request Form.

Any other space
Fill out a Videoconference & Streaming Request Form to request additional equipment that can be used to stream your class. Streaming your class enables remote students to hear your voice, and view your content (e.g. PowerPoint). You can also record the stream for future use or simply make a class recording of yourself for future use by students.
Scenario 2: Class is meeting in a room and the instructor is not able to attend in person.

If an instructor is temporary unable to come to class, they may deliver the course remotely. Most instructors opt to do so by holding class entirely online. However, if faculty opt to have students continue to attend in their classroom while they teach remotely, DCS has various spaces that can be used to conduct classes in which the students are in-class but the instructor, and possibly some students, are not. To learn about your classroom's capability, locate it on the Conference & Capture Chart. Then, select your room's capability below to get more information about the options available to you. Note that if your room is not listed or if your room does not have capability you need, you may fill out a Videoconference, Recording, & Streaming support form.

Videoconference & Lecture Capture Space: Presenter & Audience

Your room is equipped to allow for two-way communication, viewing, and content sharing. Select instructions from the list below, based on which videoconference tool you prefer to use. Someone in the classroom will need to join your session during class time. You may request to have someone from DCS assist you in preparing for class and to help you connect during class time by filling out a Videoconference & Streaming Request Form. Please contact the DCS Help Desk with any additional questions.

Any other space

Videoconference: Your classroom is capable of receiving your audio, video, and content (e.g. PowerPoint) for student viewing via a web stream. Select instructions from the list below, based on which streaming tool you prefer to use. Someone in the classroom will need to join your session during class time. You may request to have someone from DCS assist you in preparing for class and to help you connect during class time by filling out a Videoconference & Streaming Request Form.

In addition to your students being able to hear and see you and your content (e.g. PowerPoint), if you would like to be able to hear and/or see your students, fill out a Videoconference & Streaming Request Form. In smaller rooms, DCS can provide a microphone and camera to capture all students. In larger rooms, we can set up a dedicated camera and microphone that students can come up to when they wish to participate.