Videoconference, Streaming, & Recording Support

DCS offers support for classes held in DCS learning spaces that wish to videoconference, stream, or record. DCS video conferencing may be used to connect a room with a remote instructor, guest lecturer, and/or student(s). With video conferencing, participants can see and hear each other and share computer-based presentations such as PowerPoint. Requests for video conferencing support are subject to the same guidelines as equipment requests.

Please note that those using classrooms for non-class use are welcome to utilize a room's existing synchronous equipment to videoconference, stream, or record. However, portable synchronous equipment is reserved for class-use only. If you need synchronous equipment that is not in your assigned room, we ask that you contact Academic Scheduling and Instructional Space to request that has the desired capability.”

If you would like videoconference support for up to four meetings of a course, DCS will:

  • provide the opportunity for a test call with remote attendees before the conference
  • set up the required equipment before the conference
  • connect to the conference and ensure a good connection before leaving
  • provide in-class support when the DCS Help Desk is contacted by phone

If videoconference support is needed for more than four times per course per semester, DCS will:

  • meet you and/or a designee from your class before the first conference to review how to set up the equipment and connect
  • provide the opportunity for a test call with remote attendees before the conference
  • set up the required equipment before the first conference
  • connect to the first conference and ensure a good connection before leaving
  • loan you the videoconference equipment to use for subsequent videoconferences
  • provide in-class support when the DCS Help Desk is contacted by phone

To request support, please complete a request form. This information will help us determine if we can provide video conferencing and the best method to do so. Please note that forms must be submitted at least one business week before the first conference, to provide DCS enough time to prepare.