Help Desk

Having a technology-related issue in your classroom? Need assistance? Have a question? The Help Desk is here to help. Our Help Desk staff is trained to assist users over the phone or in-person and dispatch on-campus staff. DCS has staff on every campus, ready to assist you with your in-class needs. Our support team is located in Voorhees Hall, Frelinghuysen Hall, Hickman Hall, Ruth Adams Building, ARC, and Lucy Stone Hall and is prepared to assist in any DCS classroom building.

The Help Desk can be reached by calling 848-445-3612. Or if you are in the area, pay us a visit in Tillett Hall Room 112 on Livingston Campus. 

The Help Desk hours for the spring semester are:

  • Mon-Thur - 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM
  • Friday - 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

For non-immediate issues, questions, or any other feedback, you may also fill out a web form to Request EquipmentRequest AssistanceReport a Problem, form or you may email DCS.