DCS News

Interested in the latest and greatest in classroom technology? Looking for a new tool to enliven your class? Digital Classroom Service's annual Showcase - on May 3rd in Tillett Hall - is a great opportunity to see exciting new tech in action and try it out yourself. Every year, DCS's Instructional Technologists research and test some of the more promising advances in classroom…

With the new semester comes a new slate of DCS workshops. These sessions are a great opportunity to learn how to use your classroom's technology and other instructional tools that can enhance your students' learning experience. This semesters workshops includes sessions on online polling, different options for building slide-based presentation, and more. Workshops are held in the DCS Training Center in Tillett Hall Room 118 and are open to all members of the Rutgers community and free to attend. Click on an individual session for more…

Mark May 16th on your calendar as a big day for active learning at Rutgers. As we prepare to introduce brand new active learning classrooms, the Boot Camp is a day for faculty who will be using  these and other spaces to develop plans for using active learning in their courses. Join us for talks and discussions with national leaders in active learning. Attend workshops on course redesign, active learning technology, and other topics designed to help you retool your course. Learn about Rutgers' new active learning spaces and the various resources available to faculty. Most importantly, come share your plan for active learning with other…

Slated for completion in the spring of 2016, Tillett 204 will be the first general-purpose active learning classroom at Rutgers University–New Brunswick, providing a learning environment designed to facilitate the elements of a "flipped classroom." Large, round tables will enable group work and peer interaction. Wall-to-wall whiteboards will provide student work space. High-definition monitors will facilitate computer-based work and peer review. View the fly-through for a closer look at this exciting new space. . Rutgers is working with Clarke…