DCS News
As teaching technology is constantly evolving, DCS always has it's finger on the pulse of emerging trends to ensure we are providing the most useful tools to our instructors. Our staff researches new technology and tests out the most promising. If we think a particular tool might warrant inclusion in our classrooms, we often pilot them in select spaces to learn more about their viability. This semester we began piloting two new technologies in Rutgers-New Brunswick classrooms: interactive displays and USB-C.…
This summer, DCS continued working to ensure our classroom technology is up-to-date and reflective of the evolving needs of Rutgers-New Brunswick faculty. The annual "evergreening" undertaken by our Technical Services & Operations team helps keep rooms state-of-the-art, cycle out old equipment before it reaches end-of-life, and introduce new features to facilitate new teaching approaches.
Since launching the Digital Classroom Podium Project in 2012, we have designed six…
This past summer, DCS continued working to ensure our classroom technology is up-to-date and reflective of the evolving needs of Rutgers-New Brunswick faculty. The annual "evergreening" undertaken by our Technical Services & Operations team helps keep rooms state-of-the-art, cycle out old equipment before it reaches end-of-life, and introduce new features to facilitate new teaching approaches.Since launching the Digital Classroom Podium Project in 2012, we have designed six version of the original podium that reflect the learning and space requirements of different classrooms. This summer, we focused on right-sizing the equipment in…
Many DCS classrooms can be used to make recordings of class meetings. These rooms are equipped with cameras and microphones that record the instructor, and in some rooms, the students. The first step to recording, is learning what capability your classroom has. To help you quickly do that, we've added a new Classroom Feature to each classroom page. Use the Find a Classroom page to look up your room and view its information. Each page now includes a field for recording capability that indicates if a room has a camera that can record video, a microphone that can record audio,…
DCS's newest classrooms is among Rutgers-New Brunswick's oldest. Home to countless physics class meetings and demonstrations, Physics Lecture Hall on Busch is also now a general-purpose classroom supported by Digital Classroom Services. In preparation to support the classes using this space, we installed the newest auditorium version of the Digital Classroom Podium. The Podium is connected to three large projection screens and a monitor, to help instructor ensure that students in this steep space can view the…