Physics Lecture Hall Gets a DCS Upgrade
DCS's newest classrooms is among Rutgers-New Brunswick's oldest. Home to countless physics class meetings and demonstrations, Physics Lecture Hall on Busch is also now a general-purpose classroom supported by Digital Classroom Services. In preparation to support the classes using this space, we installed the newest auditorium version of the Digital Classroom Podium. The Podium is connected to three large projection screens and a monitor, to help instructor ensure that students in this steep space can view the various class materials that instructors share. In-line with a recent push to provide more synchronous capability in our classrooms, Physics Lecture Hall is also equipped with a camera that can be used to videoconference, stream, and record. Check back to learn more about this room on the Physics Lecture Hall classroom page. We'll be updating it throughout the Fall 2021 semester with a panorama and additional information.