Our First Active Learning Classroom

Tillett Hall Room 204

We are very excited to announce the opening of Tillett 204, Rutgers-New Brunswick's first general-purpose active learning classroom. This new space is designed to facilitate dynamic and engaged learning through clustered seating, student work space, a layout that encourages interaction, and much more.

Students taking classes in Tillett 204 sit in moveable chairs - complete with bag and water bottle storage - around circular tables. From their group tables, students can collaborate on laptop, phone, or tablet based work by connecting to wall-mounted monitors or by writing on whiteboards. From the Collaborative Instructor Hub, faculty can control the lights, screens, and presentation materials - whether sharing their own presentation materials or distributing images shared by students. To facilitate the various ways instructors might utilize the space, the instructor table can be electronically raised or lowered for sitting or standing. Additionally, students can pull up a stool to have a more private conversation with the instructor.

A still from a time-lapse video of Tillett 204's renovationTillett 204 is the first of four active learning spaces being introduced for the fall semester. To watch the transformation of the classroom as it unfolded, click on the time-lapse video to the right. Work continues on 90-person active learning classrooms as well as a 275-student Interactive Lecture Hall in the under-construction Rutgers Academic Building. To help faculty learn about and utilize these state-of-the-art new spaces, we have added many new pages to the DCS site. Here are a few suggestions for your next stop:

  • The Tillett 204 classroom page has full details and technical specs on the classroom, including a panoramic photo and seating charts.
  • The Collaborative Instructor Hub page details the technology system in the collaborative rooms, complete with videos, a software list, and printable instructions.
  • Our Active Learning Spaces page provides an overview of the four new collaborative spaces.
  • Check our Workshops ;page for opportunities to visit new active learning rooms and learn how to use the equipment.
  • Complete a Course Information Form to request the use of active learning rooms for your class.
  • Peruse the various resource in our Active Learning section for events and information relating to teaching in these new spaces.