ALC Open House Recap

Thanks to everyone who attended the Active Learning Community Open House on October 23. We had a great discussion in which we shared our ideas for active learning at Rutgers and learned a lot about what faculty would like to see in new classrooms. The Open House was a kick off of what will be a fruitful collaboration between DCSScheduling, the Learning Centers, and faculty with the goal of furthering active learning on the New Brunswick campuses. We have collated and shared the feedback on classrooms from the Open House with the classroom architects so that they be incorporated in the design process. As we move closer to the opening of brand new active learning spaces, we will continue to invite everyone to more opportunities to participate in the planning process. When the new classrooms begin to host classes, the community will become a forum for faculty to get instructional and technology support, while developing and sharing best practices with their colleagues.

In the meantime, review the Open House presentation, now complete with feedback from our attendees. You can also download the Open House hand out, which provides a snap shot of the community's plans. If you are interested in teaching in an Active Learning classroom, fill out a Course Information Form. Finally, if you would like to be included in the community, sign up to receive future correspondences regarding news and events.