The New DCS Headquarters

DCS has moved into its new space in the recently renovated Tillett Hall. Our new home has been designed as a place where instructors can come learn about instructional technology, try out the Digital Classroom Podium, pilot emerging pedagogic trends, and get support for their classes.

The first thing visitors to the new DCS main office will notice is our new Training Center. Adjacent to Tillett Hall's atrium, the training center has been designed as part model classroom and part technology playroom. This room will host DCS's workshop series and serve as a collaborative space where instructors can learn about classroom technology and interact with it. Equipped with a Digital Classroom Podium, instructors can also visit this space to work with our staff to become familiar with using the DCP in their Rutgers classroom. The podium is connected to two projectors, allowing the room to be oriented in two different directions. The room will also feature two glass boards, short-throw projection, a mobile video conferencing monitor, and wireless projection. Want to see the technology of future DCS classrooms? It will get its trial run in the DCS Training Center first.

Around the corner from the Training Center, in Room 112, is the DCS Help Desk. This space will be home to the DCS phone hotline, which instructors in need of help can call from any DCS classroom. However, the new space is also designed for instructors to visit when they would like to reserve portable equipment, ask questions about classroom technology, test out their class media, learn how to use in-class equipment, or seek assistance with any other issues. The Help Desk is open Monday through Friday, whenever classes are in session.

The new DCS Headquarters also includes office space for nine employees - allowing us to be close to many of the Livingston classrooms we design and support. Stop by and pay us a visit!