DCS Fall Workshops Underway

Tillett 118As you settle into the fall semester, don't forget to stop by a Digital Classroom Services workshop to learn more about classroom technology and how it can be used in your class. This semester's schedule focuses on two technologies that are new to Rutgers. In Student Engagement with Poll Everywhere, you can learn about a web-based student response system that DCS is piloting with Rutgers faculty. At Capturing Your Class with Kaltura, you can learn about how new software available to the Rutgers community can be used to record lectures both in and outside of class. As usual, you can prepare for the spring semester by attending Intro to Macs and DCS Technology Training, to ensure that you are ready to make the best use of your classroom's equipment. Click on a workshop below for more information and to register.

Fall Workshops

All workshops are held in Tillett 118.

Student Engagement with Poll Everywhere - Wednesday Sep. 28 at 10am
Capturing Your Class with Kaltura - Friday Oct. 21 at 1pm
DCS Technology Training - Friday Jan. 13 at 9:30am
Intro to Macs - Friday Jan. 13 at 11am